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Director, Market Engagement
Tyrona Heath is a leading B2B marketer, speaker, author, athlete and community builder who explores these topics at the intersection of behavioral science, diversity, equity, inclusion and transformation. Ty is Director, Market Engagement, The B2B Institute at LinkedIn, a think tank funded by LinkedIn studying the future of B2B marketing and decision making. She is also Co-Founder of TransformHer, the premier conference for professional women of color and allies in technology. With research, Ty engages and educates the industry in partnership with the leading marketing effectiveness thinkers and organizations such as Cannes Lions, ANA, and IPA to help better define the category, and drive growth.
15 March 2023 11:15 - 11:45
Marketing to the CFO
The finance team is arguably marketing’s most important stakeholder within the business. Smart marketers see the need for close alignment between marketing and finance, and they know that masterful communication isn’t just an external requirement. In this session with Ty Heath, Director, B2B Institute at LinkedIn, we explore the approach of high-achieving CMOs and CFOs. Learn how to change the relationship with insights on the finance mindset based on shared language and trusted relationships within the business.

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