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Radhika is currently the CMO of, a fintech and ecommerce company that enables conusmers to earn, save, and build credit. Prior to, she led marketing for Growth Segments at Chase including underbanked, students, and affluent consumers. Radhika earned an MBA in marketing from Columbia Business School and a B.A. in marketing and international business from the Leonard N. Stern School of Business at New York University. She is also a published author and currently teaches Consumer Behavior at the Leonard N. Stern School of Business at New York University.
15 March 2023 16:45 - 17:15
The science behind serving consumer unmet needs
The foundation of marketing is to create programs to drive customer intent and purchase. Any product or service is going to need to meet the needs of their consumer. In this session CMO and professor of consumer behavior, Radhika Duggal will teach how to understand consumers’ unmet needs as well as how to create marketing programs to meet those needs. She will draw on her real-life experience having recently rebranded and positioned a nine-figure revenue company to showcase an example of what is involved and how the principles apply to any business large or small.

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